Gimme Three Podcast - A Series For Cinephiles

64 - Bong Hits! Bong Joon-ho Films

Nicholas Ybarra & Bella Efstratis Episode 64

To celebrate the release of Mickey 17, The Gimme Three Podcast is exploring the work of director Bong Joon-ho. Nicholas Ybarra and Bella Efstratis dissect some of his most potent and memorable Korean films and his auteurist visual language. 

  • We start with the neo-noir, edge-of-your-seat thriller from 2003, Memories of Murder. 
  • Second, Bong uses a classic monster movie to explore the horror of environmental issues in The Host
  • Finally, we break down some of the most remarkable moments in Bong Joon-ho's Academy Award-winning picture, Parasite

Let us know what you think of these three modern classics and Bong’s latest release, Mickey 17.


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You can keep up with Bella on Instagram @portraitofacinephile or Letterboxd
You can keep up with Nick: on Instagram @nicholasybarra, on Twitter (X) @nicholaspybarra, or on Letterboxd

Shout out to contributor and producer Sonja Mereu. A special thanks to Anselm Kennedy for creating Gimme Three's theme music. And another special thanks to Zoe Baumann for creating our exceptional cover art.

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