Gimme Three Podcast - A Series For Cinephiles

(Bonus) January '25 Finds

Subscriber Episode Nicholas Ybarra & Bella Efstratis Episode 62

Subscriber-only episode

Subscriber-Only Episode

New year, new watchlist! Bella and Nick are back with six standout movie recommendations from their January viewing, covering everything from surreal David Lynch shorts to rare film noir gems.

This month’s lineup includes Six Men Getting Sick, Persepolis, Wake in Fright, Dìdi, The Web, and The Daytrippers.

Have you seen any of these? Let us know your thoughts—and send us your top three films from January!


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You can keep up with Bella on Instagram @portraitofacinephile or Letterboxd
You can keep up with Nick: on Instagram @nicholasybarra, on Twitter (X) @nicholaspybarra, or on Letterboxd

Shout out to contributor and producer Sonja Mereu. A special thanks to Anselm Kennedy for creating Gimme Three's theme music. And another special thanks to Zoe Baumann for creating our exceptional cover art.

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