Gimme Three Podcast - A Series For Cinephiles
Gimme Three is a love letter to one of the most powerful mediums of artistic expression—a love letter to the films that moved us and to the great experiences we've had watching them.
In each episode, hosts Nicholas Ybarra and Bella Efstratis (and frequent special guests) will pick three incredible movies based on a selected theme.
The Gimme Three podcast aims to encourage people to return to the theater and expand their watch lists through fun banter and passionate analysis.
Gimme Three Podcast - A Series For Cinephiles
56 - Pray for LA + (Previously Only Available on Patreon) Summer Discoveries
We want to send our love, prayers, and condolences to the beautiful city of LA as it battles these horrendous and devastating wildfires. We also want to express our gratitude to our firefighters, first responders, and volunteers for helping our city overcome this immense disaster.
In lieu of a new episode this week, we are sharing an episode previously only available to our Patreon subscribers. Bella Efstratis and Sonja Mereu each pick three films they saw (and loved) over the summer season.
The films discussed in this episode are Twisters, Thelma, Princess Cyd, Flipside, Imagine Me and You, Run Lola Run, and The People’s Joker.
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Follow the podcast on Instagram @gimmethreepodcast
You can keep up with Bella on Instagram @portraitofacinephile or Letterboxd
You can keep up with Nick: on Instagram @nicholasybarra, on Twitter (X) @nicholaspybarra, or on Letterboxd
Shout out to contributor and producer Sonja Mereu. A special thanks to Anselm Kennedy for creating Gimme Three's theme music. And another special thanks to Zoe Baumann for creating our exceptional cover art.