Gimme Three Podcast - A Series For Cinephiles

47 - Demi Moore Spotlight

Nicholas Ybarra & Bella Efstratis Episode 47

On this episode of The Gimme Three Podcast, we celebrate Demi Moore's birthday and her cinematic comeback!

With her breathtaking performance in The Substance taking the cinephile world by storm, there’s no better time to revisit some of the fantastic highlights of Demi Moore’s career. 

  • We start with the supernatural romance classic Ghost, the film that helped make Moore one of the highest-paid actors of the 90s. 
  • *AUDIENCE PICK*—Our wonderful audience selected the sensual thriller Indecent Proposal, in which Moore co-stars in a steamy love triangle with Robert Redford and Woody Harrelson. 
  • Finally, Moore goes an extra mile (or a hundred) with a physical and emotional transformation in Ridley Scott’s G.I. Jane.

Let us know what you think of these Demi Moore classics and what your favorite Moore performance is! 


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You can keep up with Bella on Instagram @portraitofacinephile or Letterboxd
You can keep up with Nick: on Instagram @nicholasybarra, on Twitter (X) @nicholaspybarra, or on Letterboxd

Shout out to contributor and producer Sonja Mereu. A special thanks to Anselm Kennedy for creating Gimme Three's theme music. And another special thanks to Zoe Baumann for creating our exceptional cover art.

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